
quick and crispy vegetable fritters

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These vegetable fritters are really more of a template than a recipe – you can use any veggies you have on hand. Feel free to add fresh herbs and/or any seasonings you’d like as well. 


  • 4 cups grated vegetables (I used 1 medium zucchini, 2 medium carrots, and a small sweet potato – see note)
  • 1 large shallot, grated
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2/3 cup potato starch (or other starch or other starchy gluten-free flour)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt, plus more for sprinkling if desired
  • avocado oil and/or olive oil for cooking (about 1/2 cup) 

for the chive sour cream, combine: 

  • 1/2 cup sour cream (or full fat yogurt or dairy-free sour cream)
  • 2 tablespoons minced chives (about 1 dozen chives)


  1. Grate and prep the vegetables you’re using according to the type of veg. (see note) 
  2. In a large bowl, combine the grated veggies, shallot, garlic, eggs, and potato starch, and salt, and mix to combine.
  3. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat and add about 1/4 cup of oil – you want a decent layer on the bottom of the pan.
  4. Once the oil is shimmering, add a big spoonful of the veggie mixture and flatten it with the back of the spoon. They don’t have to be perfectly round! In fact, irregular fritters will have more crispy bits.
  5. Cook for about 2-3 minutes, or until deep golden brown and then flip. Cook another 2 minutes or so until both sides are crispy and golden. Remove to a rack or paper towel-lined baking sheet and repeat with the remaining mixture, adding more oil as needed.


  • For dry, starchy vegetables, such as, carrots, winter squash, sweet potatoes: Simply grate with a box grater or food processor
  • For leafy greens, such as kale, collards, spinach: Blanch until bright green and then drain, cool, and remove as much liquid as possibly by squeezing in a clean kitchen towel. Then finely chop.
  • For high liquid veggies such as zucchini, summer squash: grate and toss in a colander with a big pinch of salt and allow the liquid to sweat out for about 30 minutes before squeezing out as much liquid as possible. (Do this with white potatoes as well!) 

To test the mixture for seasoning before making the whole batch: Simply cook up a tiny one first and then adjust as needed.