This list of antiracism resources is just a starting point. I realize this is nowhere near an exhaustive list, and plan on updating this post as I find more information. Please share any of your favorite resources and organizations in the comments (after checking that they’re not in the first link below)
Black Lives Matter.
I am STILL seeing people get defensive at the statement Black Lives Matter. As a white woman, I feel like one of the many MANY things it is my responsibility to do is to get white people to Stop. Fucking. Saying. All. Lives. Matter. I look forward to the day that saying that is as socially acceptable as an actual racial slur. Because it may as well be.
Black lives matter TOO. Does that make it easier to understand? All lives can’t matter until black lives matter. Do either of those help? I understand that it may seem inclusive to you to say All Lives but I promise you, it’s not. We don’t have to say white lives matter because our lives aren’t in danger simply because of the color of our skin. Privilege doesn’t mean you were born with a silver spoon in your baby mouth or that your life has been easy. It means it wasn’t made harder because of how you look.
If it makes you uncomfortable, good! That means you have the ability to grow, learn, and improve. Lean in to what makes you uncomfortable. Ask yourself why.

LEARN to be a better ally:
Antiracist Allyship Starter Pack – Google doc with resources and tools to be a better ally (there is so much information in here!)
Your Kids Aren’t Too Young To Talk about Race: Resource Roundup – for all ages
Donate to funds that support Black lives:
George Floyd Memorial Fund – official go fund me to support the Floyd family
Minnesota Freedom Fund – community based non-profit that pays criminal bail and immigration bonds for individuals who have been arrested protesting police brutality
Black Visions Collective – A black, trans & queer-led organization that is committed to dismantling systems or oppression and violence, and shifting the public narrative to create transformative, long-term change
Reclaim The Block – coalition that advocates for and invests in community-led safety initiatives in Minneapolis neighborhoods
Campaign Zero – Online platform and organization that utilizes research-based policy solutions to end police brutality in America
Unicorn Riot – Non-profit that is dedicated to exposing root causes of dynamic social and environmental issues
Black Lives Matter – A global organization in the US, UK, and Canada whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.
Black Voters Matter – Effective voting allows a community to determine its own destiny
The Loveland Foundation – Committed to showing up for communities of color in unique and powerful ways, with a particular emphasis on Black women and girls.
Sunshine Behavioral Health – their mission is to provide the highest quality substance abuse treatment services and deliver them with passion, integrity, and company spirit. We will inspire hope and contribute to the health and well-being of the communities we serve through our shared values and the continuous pursuit of improvement.
All of the links on are for information purposes, however some are affiliate links to books, products or services. Any sponsored posts are clearly labelled as being sponsored content. Some ads on this site are served by ad networks and the advertised products are not necessarily recommended by Zenbelly.
Amy says
Rachel Cargle’s is great resource of articles, films, etc about unlearning the racism as well as homo and transphobia and other prejudices.
zenbelly says
Thank you! She is linked in the above spreadsheet but I’m not sure if that site is specifically. I’ll add it.
Liesl says
A few years ago, I was honored to visit the National Museum of African-American History & Culture in Washington DC. I still get emotional thinking about the exhibit that woke me up to my white privilege. The exhibits were presented without anger or blame, just simple truths, which allowed me to move beyond a defensive reaction and begin the difficult process of self-examination… a process that is still on-going. And now, with recent events, I am relying again on the NMAAHC to help me move forward as an ally, with this article:
Even if you think you’re not racist, you cannot be an ally until you come to terms with uncomfortable truths about your white privilege. I resisted for a long time because the anger of the PoC community felt very personal, and I couldn’t see how I had done anything wrong. But racism is personal to every PoC, and it needs to become personal for all of us white people as well.
zenbelly says
That sounds like a very important experience. I will definitely check out that resource, thank you!
Marjorie says
Thank you so much, Simone. I really this.
Marjorie says
I mean, I really APPRECIATE this.
Marie says
Thank you, Simone. It’s so hard to know what to say or do in these sad times. My heart hurts.
Brad Engstrand says
Thank You Simone … you are awesome.
Casey says
Thank you!!!! Sharing this
Suzette R. says
Hey there Simone! THANK YOU, THANK YOU for this resource! I plan to include it in my Wellness Newsletter at work. IDK if it will be rejected as too political to share in a work environment, but it is too important to not speak up about. Also wanted to share a couple of additional resources I came across that I appreciated for your consideration to add to your phenomenal list:
Racism: What I can do:
Monique Melton:
Karen House:
Oren Jay Sofer: 10 things white people can do for social justice:
zenbelly says
Thank you, Suzette! I appreciate those additional resources and will add them. I currently have a growing and unorganized list to deal with so need to just sit down and do that. I don’t consider this topic to be political, but I’m the only person at my place of employment so get to make all the rules 😉
Lanie Anderson says
Thank you so much for this, Simone. We can and need to do better.
Linda Dourte says
Thank you so much for these resources, even tho we prevailed in the Presidential election, there is so much work to still do.
zenbelly says
yes, still so much work. I’m ready to start getting to work for GA!