I was raised by two New Yorkers, and if they taught me anything, they taught me how to be a serious pizza snob. Pizza crust, done right, is not just a vehicle for the toppings and sauce and cheese. It IS the pizza. If the crust isn’t right, the pizza is not worth eating. Now that I’m mostly grain-free, I HAD to figure out a way to create a NY style paleo pizza crust.
NY Style Paleo Pizza Crust
What was one the first thoughts I had when I realized I could no longer eat gluten? “Thank God I live in San Francisco, and not in New York” Seriously. The thought of resisting pizza there sounded way more like torture than resisting it here. I’ll be fine, I thought.
Now that I’m mostly paleo and obsessed with recreating old favorites that can stand up to the originals, I had to put pizza on my list of recipes to tackle. There are plenty of paleo pizza crusts that are great vehicles for toppings. There’s the famous cauliflower crust, all sorts of almond flour / coconut flour / tapioca starch combos. There’s even meatza. (I love meat as much as the next cavegirl, but don’t even get me started on this one)
All vehicles. They work. You can put sauce and pepperoni on them and they resemble pizza. But I’m not happy until I have perfect, and this is why there’s almost always assorted flours on my ceiling and dishes in my sink.
This crust recipe was inspired Tammi Credicott’s recipe that is featured in Everyday Paleo Around The World; Italian Cuisine by Sarah Fragaso. Simon and I really enjoyed the flavor of it. It sparked a conversation about how to get that crispy-chewy NY thing that I’ve been missing. As someone who used to make bread, he suggested letting it rise, to which I responded: “I don’t think grain-free dough will rise!”
But he insisted I try it and be patient (not my strong suit), and it worked! I tried about 7 variations of this recipe before I got what I was looking for, and am really excited about the result. I hope you love it as much as I do! (If you do, you’ll probably love The Zenbelly Cookbook, which has this recipe and over 100 more of my favorites)
NY Style Paleo Pizza Crust Perfection
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NY Style Pizza Crust
Quite possibly the best paleo pizza crust around.
- Prep Time: 15 minutes
- Cook Time: 10 minutes
- Total Time: 25 minutes
- Yield: 1 9-10" pie
- Category: Main Course
- 1 tablespoon active dry yeast
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1/4 cup warm water ((should feel warm on the inside of your wrist, but not burn))
- 3/4 cup almond flour
- 3/4 cup tapioca starch
- 3/4 teaspoon sea salt
- 1 tablespoon olive oil ((or other melted fat if you’re opposed to heating olive oil))
- 1 tablespoon egg whites ((less than one egg))
- 1 1/2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
- and of course your favorite toppings!
- In the warmed bowl of your stand mixer (or alternately, the bowl you’ll be using with hand-held beaters), combine the yeast, honey, and warm water and whisk to combine. Let sit for a good 5 minutes. It will get foamy and active.
- In a small bowl, combine olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and egg white.
- In a medium bowl, whisk to combine the almond flour, tapioca starch, and sea salt.
- Once the yeast is foamy, add the wet and dry ingredients to the bowl and mix on medium high for 30 seconds, scraping down the bowl once to make sure it’s all incorporated.
- Scrape down the bowl with a rubber spatula again to gather the dough together. It will NOT look like the dough you remember, it is much wetter. Use the spatula to get it into as much of a ball as possible.
- Cover the bowl with a tea towel and set in a warm (but not hot) place. Allow it to sit for 75-90 minutes. I know, it’s torture.
- After 75 minutes, check the dough to see if it’s risen. It won’t rise as dramatically as a conventional dough would, but it will have changed, and gotten aerated, and a bit larger. (see above pics). If this has happened, Turn your oven on to 500 and if using a pizza stone, place it in the oven to to heat up while the oven warms.
- Lightly oil a sheet of parchment paper and turn the dough out onto it. It will likely be a bit stuck to the bottom of the bowl, just scrape it out as best as you can.
- With oiled hands, gently flatten out the pizza dough into a 9-10″ circle. It will be aerated, so might want to leave empty spaces.
- Carefully transfer the parchment with the dough onto the pizza stone or sheet pan.
- Bake at 500 in the lower 1/3 of your oven for 4-6 minutes, or until it’s starting to brown at the edges. (ovens vary, keep an eye on it)
- Add desired toppings and cook for 2-3 minutes more. Allow to cool for a minute before slicing.
- If you have a pizza stone, use it. If not, use the heaviest sheet pan you have.
- Warm the bowl you’ll be putting the yeast mixture in, as well as the measuring cup you’ll be measuring the water with. If it’s cold, the water will cool right away, and might not activate the yeast. Just run some hot water in it before using.
- This recipe involves high heat cooking, which might rub some people the wrong way, since there is olive oil and nut flour involved. This is one of those situations where I absolutely put taste and texture first. Good pizza is cooked at high temperatures, and that is part of what makes good pizza good. You can use a different fat if you’d like.
- Results are best when the crust is cooked almost entirely before adding toppings, so I recommend having your toppings almost completely cooked before adding them in the last step.
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Jenny S says
3/4 what of tapioca starch?
zenbellyblog says
CUP! Edited. Thanks for spotting that!
Nick says
I does anyone know if you can freeze this dough? Thanks
zenbellyblog says
You sure can! I have only frozen it after par baking though, which works great. Not 100% sure about freezing the uncooked dough.
Nick says
Thanks! Going grain free for my wife’s health and us being Italian need good pizza recipes
Marisa says
This recipe is a family staple since I found it 6 years ago…everyone has tried it and loved it!
ariyele says
i have to say. i’m skeptical but you had me at, “i was raised my two new yorkers.” you know where i’m from! i’ll trust you, and try this, with high expectations. and yet, because it’s you, i have faith!
zenbellyblog says
Maybe this should be our video?! We can get ALL sorts of New York up in there. Have I told you about my alter ego, Mona Rose Katz from The Bronx???
The Saffron Girl says
I just found you on Facebook after following you on Instagram. I’ve shared your recipe on my FB page. Looks very interesting.. I’m saving it to try! thank you for sharing.
Christine Damm says
You have us transferring the dough to parchment paper and I’m assuming that we leave that in place when we bake it on the pizza stone? I used to make bread in a dutch oven and use parchment to transfer it to the pot so I know it will hold up at 500 degrees, although it gets pretty crispy! I don’t see the paper in your photos– did you make an artistic decision to leave it out or am I missing something? This sounds fabulous– can’t wait to try it with some home-raised Vermont tomatoes!
zenbellyblog says
Oh yes, I leave it on the parchment paper to bake. I did slide it off once I added the toppings and put it right on the stone, mostly for artistic purposes 🙂 It gets a little crispy, but is in there such a short time that it seems to be okay. Jealous of your home grown VT tomatoes! I swear west coast tomatoes aren’t the same as I remember them being back east.
Christine Damm says
Well, VT tomatoes pale in comparison to the queen of tomato states–New Jersey! I used to buy whole baskets of them and can them all. My sis in Berkeley tried raising some this year but they all got some kind of yellow wilting disease. Too much shade there anyway, since everybody’s wall or landscaping casts shadows on your plot.
Thanks for the clarification on the parchment.
Sage says
I never knew there was gluten in yeast – what about your average supermarket yeast, is that not gf?
zenbellyblog says
Regular bakers yeast is naturally gluten-free. I just feel better when it says “gluten-free” right on the label, as Red Star does. I’m not sure if there’s ever a cross-contamination issue here… Brewer’s Yeast can contain gluten, but isn’t what you’d use here anyway.
zosia says
yeast does not have gluten.
you don’t need a label telling you something is gluten-free if it’s naturally gluten-free. do some research.
…soon people are going to start putting “gluten-free” on water…..JEEEEEEEEESE LOUISE.
zenbellyblog says
Naturally it doesn’t, but some packages say gluten-free, so it could be a cross-contamination issue on the ones that don’t. There are a lot of things that are “naturally gluten-free” that aren’t ACTUALLY gluten-free, so…
Catherine says
I’m surprised you didn’t do research yourself and understand that many naturally gluten-free products are not packaged in a dedicated gluten-free facility, which prevents them from using the “gluten-free” label, as even the slightest gluten contamination can make someone with Celiac VERY sick. What’s the harm in specifying that? Jeeeeeese Louise, mind your manners and think before typing.
Roberta says
Aside the possibility of cross-contamination in manufactoring process, you should better consider also that the yast could have been growth in the same field of grains containig gluten, one near the other or each one on the same ground in rotation, so if a product like this it would be safer to search for the certification of “gluten free” (fot other foods or items anyway I agree with the observation that lately the statement “gluten free” is abused adding it everywhere)
Meg says
What brand of gluten-free yeast do you use?
zenbellyblog says
I used Red Star.
kellierides says
I’m in the middle of a Whole 30 right now, but this is definitely on the list for afterward. Thank you for working on this!
Marjorie says
Looks and sounds great! Never thought I would use my pizza stone again, but now I’ll have to pull it out!
Kristen Kemp says
Has anyone tried to make this with something other than almond flour? I’m allergic to tree nuts and peanuts. Thank you!!
zenbellyblog says
I’ve gotten this question a lot! If you can have sunflower seeds, I think that’s the closest option. I haven’t tried it yet, but am going to try to grind my own sunflower flour and see how it works in a few recipes.
Vitality Enthusiast says
What a great idea! And potentially fun experiment(s)…
I am curious, do you think that, absent a pizza stone (mine broke before I moved last year and I haven’t replaced it yet), putting the pizza, on the parchment paper, in a Le Creuset skillet in the oven, might be a good approach? Maybe warm the pan first in the oven?
zenbellyblog says
I think a Le Creuset skillet would work beautifully! Plus, you’re guaranteed a pretty presentation 🙂 I would definitely heat it first, like you would a stone.
Dana Beck says
Have you tried using cassava flour with the tapioca starch. I have fallen in love with it because t seems so close to regular flour, just a bit drier! I am very anxious to try your recipe as you did first. Thank you!
zenbelly says
Hi Dana, I haven’t tried cassava flour in this recipe yet, just tapioca starch. I think it could work, but you’d probable need less since it’s so much more absorbent. Please let me know if you try it before I do!
Leslie Portwood says
Yep – but I use riced coconut (google recipe) – add an egg, and yes parmesan, and flatten it out nice and thin, bake on parchment in high temp oven…pull out, top with sauce and veggies- and bake again. I love the taste of caulif. crust more than I ever did those made of flour.
theresa says
I think you meant riced “cauliflower”? I was thinking of trying this with coconut flour, so your comment caught my eye, but then you said you love the taste of caulif. crust, so I’m guessing you meant riced cauliflower.
PD says
Actually, almonds are not nuts. A common misconception. They are drupes. People with nut allergies should talk to their doctor to confirm whether or not they can eat almonds.
Marci says
People allergic to nuts are tested for specific nuts. So, nut, drupe, if someone is allergic to almonds, they are allergic. I get tired of seeing this comment all over the place!
Carrie says
Coconut flour! Works great!
Sandy says
Did you change the amount of coconut flour? I would like to try this with coconut flour as well but I am new to cooking with it. I’ve read that coconut really absorbs the liquid in recipes. I can’t wait to give this a try!
slimpalate says
Are you a wizard?
zenbellyblog says
Do wizards say ALAKAZAM!!! ? Then yes. 😉
Tracy says
This looks super yummy! Any thoughts on an egg sub? My 2yro daughter has been asking for pizza but she is allergic to eggs… thanks for any suggestions!
zenbellyblog says
There’s so little egg in this recipe that I’m tempted to say just leave it out! Since it’s just egg white, all it’s really doing is adding a bit of moisture, and a tiny bit of protein, which might do something structurally, but I can’t imagine all that much. With any baking type of recipe, tiny changes can have an effect, so I can’t say for certain without testing it myself. (Which I’ll do next time I make this recipe)
Tracy says
Fantastic! Thanks for your reply… I’ll report back if we end up trying it without the egg!
CodyAnna says
What about ground flax or chia seed for eggs?
Angela Adams says
Egg is a protein and binder. Just find some meat based gelatin in same quantity for the recipe and it will do same thing
Lois says
Have you tried chia seeds? I am thinking of grinding mine to make sure I get the whole benefit.
Sparkes says
You can make an egg replacer by grinding flax seeds, add water and let sit overnight. I’d often used this when a baker in a vegan bakery. Works like a champ and gives you those great oils, fiber, etc.
Alycia says
Just made this for my kids, one of whom is very particular about anything that isn’t mainstream processed crap-we are working on breaking her out of it 🙂 They all loved it!! I loved the smell of the yeast in the dough, reminded me of reg pizza. The consistency of the baked crust was light and crispy. Next time, I am going to try with sunflower seed flour and omit the egg white and hope it comes out well so I can actually eat it. Very, very good. This is a def keeper.
zenbellyblog says
Hooray! Happy I could contribute to breaking the processed crap habit 🙂 I’m curious how sunflower seed flour works, let me know if you try it before I do!
Sweet T says
I just made this. It. is. Fantastic. Seriously. Ive done a lot of low carb and paleo crusts…almond flour, cauliflower, zucchini….none of them were worth repeating. But this is so good – crispy with a slight chew, bready, almost exactly a wheat crust. My husband even said “oooh this is really good!” and he is extremely hard to impress. So thank you. You are amazing.
zenbellyblog says
SO glad to hear it! Thanks! 🙂
lindsey mathes (@lindseyamathes) says
Is there another type of gluten-free flour to use in place of nut/seed flour? Oat, qunioa, etc? I’d like to try to keep it lower in calories and fat. Thanks.
zenbellyblog says
Hi Lindsey. You can replace it with whatever you’d like, but I only tested the recipe as described above. It’s at your own risk beyond that! I only do grain-free baking, and am worried more about glycemic index than calories and fat, so go with nut flours myself. If you do try a variation, let me know how it goes!
lindsey mathes (@lindseyamathes) says
Thanks, I will!
Alicia K says
I am SO trying this over the weekend!!!! You are a GD genius! Thank you, thank you for developing a recipe that looks like it actually tastes good! And without cheese. You are my hero. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Sheryl Peters says
Words cannot even express how much I love all your recipes! I’ve never been disappointed. This pizza crust was AMAZING!! I even took the toppings off, so I could savor the crust!! I made mine with arrowroot since I have a sensitivity to tapioca, but it was still great!!! Thanks!!!!!
zenbellyblog says
Thanks so much, Sheryl! Glad to hear that arrowroot worked. It’s usually my preferred starch, but I thought tapioca made sense in this one. I’ll definitely try it next time!
Sheryl Peters says
I made this crust again today, but this time I split it into three personal size crusts. I put regular toppings on the first one, turned the second one into the closest cinnamon dessert pizza I have had in years (still working on the perfect icing), and I forced myself to freeze the last one. I am hoping it reheats well because it will make the perfect crust for meals when I don’t have much time to cook. 🙂
Sheryl Peters says
I have an update on the frozen pizza crust in case anyone was curious. I took it out of the freezer today, but it was way too hot to turn the oven on. After letting it thaw, I decided to put it on the BBQ for a few minutes. It got perfectly crispy and chewy again. Obviously it’s better fresh out of the oven, but even frozen and reheated this is hands down the BEST paleo pizza crust I have ever had!! Once the weather cools off, I am making a huge batch to freeze for quick meals in the future. THANKS!!!!!!!
zenbellyblog says
Ooooh! I’ve been wanting to try grilling it. So glad to hear that it works. Glad you love the recipe, Sheryl and thanks!
Alycia says
To Sheryl, I want to freeze some too. Did you bake it first then freeze it or did you freeze it uncooked?
Sheryl Peters says
Yes. I baked it first and then froze it. When I took it out of the freezer I let it thaw on the counter and then put my toppings on it and cooked it for a few minutes again. It got nice and crispy. 🙂
Anastasia says
I made this tonight … have been searching for the perfect paleo pizza crust forever… I’ve made all of the recipes – won’t even touch meatza with a 10 ft. pole. This crust is absolutely AMAZING. And when I say amazing, I mean AMAZING – not just “paleo amazing” …. it is SO good, I would rather eat it than normal crust. Delicous, buttery flavor – pefect!!!!!
themodernpearl says
Made this last night. AMAZING! I must admit, I was skeptical (even up to the point of pulling it out of the oven), but one bite, and I couldn’t believe it. This is the chewy, crispy, doughy awesomeness I have missed since going Paleo. What a perfect treat! Thank you! Oh, and I used “rapid rise” yeast, and it still worked great.
Lori says
We made this tonight, and it was incredible! The only issue we had was it was still doughy after the required cooking time. Next time, we’ll cook it at a lower temp for a bit longer. But yummy, yummy recipe! Definitely my favorite pizza crust recipe!
zenbellyblog says
Yay! Sorry it was still a bit doughy. I wish I could test all of these recipes in multiple ovens! I have a feeling that mine is on the weak side. I also get it paper thin. Glad you have a new fave! 😀
Wyatt says
I’ve made this twice now, and seemed to have glossed over (and completely missed) the instructions about the parchment paper. Aha! The first time I flattened the dough on the cold pizza stone, and the second time dumped the raw dough on the pre-heated pizza stone then quickly flattened it was an oiled rolling pin. I barely salvaged that one, but it actually came out the best. Can’t wait to try it out the easy way
zenbellyblog says
haha I’m impressed that you gave it another try after the first attempt! It’s so much easier with parchment paper, and you’re much less likely to burn your fingers! I hope it’s a success the next time 🙂
Rachel (@eatrunrach) says
This was SO GOOD. and easy! I topped it with some sauce and sausage/peppers/onions. Thank you so much for the recipe! It’s definitely going to be made again (in the near future!)
zenbellyblog says
I’m so glad you loved it! sausage / peppers / onions is one of my all time faves.
Claire Cunningha, says
Thank you for sharing this recipe! I’ve tweaked it some adding psyllium husk powder, and I must say I love the results! Try it one day and let me know what you think…
zenbellyblog says
I’ve never experimented with Psyllium husk, but keep seeing it pop up. I’ll definitely try your variation. Thanks Claire!
Laura says
Do you recall how wide across this pizza is when rolled out? Trying to figure out how many this recipe feeds and whether I need to double it up for a family of 4. Excited to make this.
Alycia says
I doubled it for my family of 4. It worked perfectly. Made two 10-12in round crusts. Even bought a pizza stone to use the crust is so good!!
zenbellyblog says
It’s about 9-10″, so I would definitely double it for a family of 4! I recently made it for 4 and doubled it and made 4 small crusts, so everyone got to make their own personal pizza.
Alima Frank Deneke says
I would definitely double. It only makes a pretty small 8-10″ pizza. We always double ours and its just 2 of us. I usually have 1 piece left over.
Amber says
I found I had to add WAY more liquid (fat) (ie. olive oil)….and mine didn’t rise at all..I did everything correctly and according to the recipe…Any insight?
zenbellyblog says
As far as the dough not rising at all, I’m guessing it’s either old or bad yeast, or the water wasn’t the right temperature. As far as the liquid not being right, I’m stumped, because when I make it, the dough is extremely moist, and I’ve made it many times. I haven’t gotten this feedback from anyone else who made this recipe. I hate to say you made a mistake, but if you had to add WAY more liquid, something must have been measured incorrectly?
Amber says
I probably did make a mistake (I think the yeast was the problem)….I made it again last night and still had to double my liquid, otherwise it’s just a hard lump…but it did rise (last night). Still delicious though.
alexis says
I’m in the process of making it and I’ve had same problem. It’s a lump of dough. I’ve gone over my measurements and ingredients. My yeast was fine. Not sure what I did wrong…
alexis says
My pizza turned out amazing regardless of the raw dough not having the same consistency of yours. I shared your website on my fb page.
Next I’ll be trying the Rainy Day Biscuits 😉
zenbellyblog says
Crazy. And you’re definitely dissolving the yeast in 1/4 C water? With the honey? I’m just so baffled b/c I found the dough to be way wetter than typical dough, and had to resist the urge to add more dry ingredients!
Amber says
yep, everything according to plan…not sure what’s going on..? could it be I’m using my own homemade almond meal? it usually doesn’t make a difference in other recipes though ;P
zenbellyblog says
It could be the difference, but I’m not convinced that that’s what it is, if it works in other recipes… Although I think a fine ground flour would yield better results. Are you packing the almond flour into the measuring cup, or scooping and leveling? It’s just so odd, because lots of people have made this and reported good results! I want it to come out perfect for you, too!
Rob says
I just made this, and it was amazing!!! I modified the recipe a little, and you can see the version I made over at capitalregioncaveman.com soon! Great great great recipe!
sirene says
Great website you have. I’m going to try your pizza recipe next. glad you added your website link excellent recipes 🙂
sirene says
this is amazing. I made it lastnight and i was so pleased. It tastes like a real pizza crust. I only let mine rise for about 40 minutes because it had gotten so fluffy looking and it still worked perfectly. Thank you so much for this.
Pure Pursuit says
OH. MY. BAJESUS. I have never left a review on any recipe before, but your crust deserves some serious praise. I have tried countless Paleo pizza crusts and this by FAR is the absolute best of the best. This crust is sheer perfection, I cooked it 7 minutes on one side, until perfectly crispy and golden brown, flipped it, and cooked another 2 minutes before adding toppings. We like our crust crispy, and that’s just what we got Honestly, this crust rivals any traditional pizza, and far surpassed my expectations! This will be the ONLY crust I will ever make from now on! Thank you for your ingenious creation!
Alima Frank Deneke says
This is seriously amazing. I’ve made A LOT of paleo pizza crusts over the years and this is definitely the best! It took patience, but SO worth it! Can’t wait to share it with all my paleo clients. Thanks so much! After the chocolate cake and now this, I’m pretty sure you’re my new favorite paleo blogger 🙂
Dennise says
I don’t have mixer as we are traveling in our RV. How difficult is this to mix by hand?
zenbellyblog says
I’m sure you could manage mixing it by hand! It’s sticky, but definitely doable. Happy Travels 🙂
Michelle says
Absolutely awesome! Husband does not normally touch my grain free bread attempts with a ten foot pole. Actually *requested* this tonight 🙂 WIN!! You’ve really done a great job here…. Thank you!
zenbellyblog says
Yay! That IS awesome, I’m so glad!
Stephanie says
I was wondering what the Tapioca starch do? Is it necessary or can I just use Almond flour? Reason being.. I’m trying to make a pizza crust without the starch.
zenbellyblog says
If you don’t want to use starch, I would just make one of the other paleo pizza crust recipes that are made with just almond flour. The tapioca (or arrowroot) in this recipe is part of what creates the texture.
3zinnias says
Thank you!! This was SO good-I had a party full of non-paleo asking for the recipe 🙂
I will definitely make this again!
zenbellyblog says
Nice! I love when that happens 😉
Jenni says
Yum! Lovely. I substitute potato starch(plus one extra tablespoon of water) for the tapioca. Tapioca seems to irritate my son’s tummy. I use tapioca for me and my husband. The whole family loves it! Thank you so much. Pizza was always our paleo cheat, you have made us stick to being paleo so much more! Hurray!!
Denise says
No, but really. I LOVE you. I’m from NY (typical skeptic) and was 100% sure this was not possible. I was wrong. Did I mention I LOVE you? This was A-mazing! I even forgot about it so it “rose ” for an extra hour. It was still awesome. THANK YOU!!!!
zenbellyblog says
Ah, yes! Praise for this crust from a New Yorker means even more. Don’t tell the others 😉
Daniel G says
Dude you nailed it, this recipe was awesome.
Thanks for sharing!
Giovanna says
This was so amazing! Thank you!! I can’t believe how it actually rose!
Brandy says
This was SO FREAKING GOOD! Thank you! Thank you!!!
awingren says
Hi Simone! This recipe looks awesome. Thanks for sharing it! I can hardly wait to try making this! Question: Did you use Active dry or quick rise yeast?
zenbellyblog says
Thanks! I used active dry yeast.
Ben says
Just made this and it was exactly what we have been searching for. It had a perfect crunch/chewy ratio, but like some of the other commenters, we also had a very firm dough. I just mixed it a little with a fork and it ended up looking almost like pizza dough. We let it sit for about an hour and it grew at least 50%. I can’t imagine how some people could get a liquidly dough considering there was over 1.5 cups of dry ingredients and only about a half a cup of liquid. The tapioca starch and almond flour absorb so much moisture. Maybe the brands you use matter. I know Trader Joes almond flour has a very different consistency from Bob’s Red Mill. We used Bob’s Red Mill tapioca flour, almond flour, and yeast, Giant grocery store brand honey, egg whites, olive oil, and apple cider vinegar. The salt was Costco Himalayan pink salt and the water was from the tap. Waiting an hour for the dough to rise was difficult. I wonder if we could make the dough a couple days before and let it sit in the fridge. I also want to try to freeze the flattened out raw dough. It would be so great just to throw a frozen crust in the oven like a store bought pizza.
zenbellyblog says
The texture differences are throwing me for a loop! I’ve made this several times, and my dough is always on the wet side. I think you might be right about the almond flour; that could be the culprit. I’ve used honeyville and digestive wellness, both are blanched and finely ground. As far as making ahead: I’ve heard that people have had good results par-baking the crusts and freezing, but I’m not sure how the raw dough keeps…
Ben says
Also, I didn’t realize how many carbs were in tapioca flour. Any other alternatives with less carbs that would result in similar consistency? I might try 3/8th of a cup of tapioca flour and 9/8th of a cup of almond flour. I’m sure it won’t be as good, but as long as it stays together I’d be happy.
zenbellyblog says
I’m not sure if it’s lower in carbs, but arrowroot can be used as a 1:1 sub in just about any recipe that has tapioca. I was going for taste and texture on this one, so I wouldn’t say it’s the perfect example of a nutrient dense paleo meal… More of a treat when you need a pizza fix! If you do try different ratios, please report back so other people know what works!
Ben Finkel says
It looks like Arrowroot has slightly less carbs, but not by much. I’ll report back once I have some time to try different ratios.
Ben says
So I tried it with only 0.25 cups of tapioca flour and 1.25 cups of almond flour. Did it taste as amazing? No. Did it still taste pretty good. Yes. By my calculations I swapped out 52g of carbs for 12g of carbs, and half of those are fiber, so it is a reduction of 46g of net carbs. It also added 12g of protein, but with that came 120 calories. The very edge of my crust got a little overcooked after 8 minutes, so if you try this, make sure to keep an eye on that.
Marsha says
Making this dough right now and we are going to try it in a wood fired outdoor oven.
zenbellyblog says
Oh man, I’m jealous! Let me know how it went!
Gloria Patton says
I messed up this crust!!! I did not read the part about baking it ON the parchment paper (oops). I was basically scraping the dough off of wax paper onto my stone. BUT not all was lost because my pizza still came out super awesome, a smaller awesome (than what it would have been if I read the instructions correctly). Oh and did I mention this was my very first, ever, paleo recipe? Shew!
zenbellyblog says
Oh my gosh, so flattered that your first paleo recipe was one of mine. I’m sorry it didn’t go completely as planned, but happy that the end result was still good! Happy cooking!
Sarah says
This was absolutely great, tried it for the first time tonight in our wood-fired oven – heavenly! Thanks!!
zenbellyblog says
Oh I’m so glad it worked in your wood fired oven! I bet it was even better that way.
Mandy says
OMG! I just made this! It was fantastic! I’m so happy, we can go back to eating pizza! Thank You!!!
zenbellyblog says
Yay!!! So glad to hear it, Mandy, thanks! : D
Cindy says
Hi! Just found your blog:) question- I must be yeast free- any suggestions on how I can adapt this? I realize the texture will be different and that it won’t rise. Thank you!
zenbellyblog says
Glad you found it! Sorry I don’t have a better answer for you, but I honestly don’t have any idea how to adapt this without using yeast. You could try baking soda? But I wouldn’t know what amount… There are a lot of grain-free pizza crusts that don’t use yeast, so if adapting sounds daunting, maybe try one of those. Let me know how it turns out if you do make adjustments, though!
Cindy says
Thank you!
Darcelle says
I made this recipe twice and it worked out both times. I made only one variation, after letting the dough rise, I infused sone herbs, garlic and chilies into the dough and used more olive oil to spread the dough. I forgot how much I missed pizza since going paleo.
Sam says
Just made this last night and I can’t tell you how happy I am to have pizza as an option again. Sure, it contains the entirety of carbs I’d eat in a day but who cares when you have pizza!
I’m curious if the yeast can do it’s thing (rise, tiny minions! Rise!) without or with less honey? I don’t mind if it’s slower, I’ll just plan ahead. The sweetness of the pizza base was the only thing I wasn’t as keen on. Not a deal breaker in the least but if I can reduce that I think I’d love it even more. 🙂
pamela says
Sam, I use about half the honey, and it works beautifully. I’m not a fan of much sweetness in savory foods, myself.
Patricia says
I made this pizza dough last night and it was awesome!!! Even my husband liked it and he’s been skeptical about the paleo thing. I did make a few changes though and one mistake which didn’t change a thing. I tripled the recipe because my pizza pans, which are the thin, are 12″ and I did not want to waste any space. I changed the almond flour to sunflower seed flour which can substituted 1:1. I need to stay away from tree nuts due to inflammation and sunflower seeds have a lighter taste vs pumpkin seeds, so they didn’t change the taste. I ground them myself in the food processor. Some other tips would be: Make sure your parchment paper is good for 500F. Mine was only good for 425F so the paper burned at the edges and set off my smoke alarm…lol. But the crust was ok. Also keep your hands well oiled and oil in between if you have to because the dough is quite sticky. Finally, I was short on my yeast by 3/4 tsp because I used little pre-packaged ones and each one was only 2 1/4 tsp (1 tbsp.=3 tsp) but the dough rose even more than the photos up top (I put it in the oven with oven not on but turned on the light to generate warmth). I made two pizzas with steak, bacon, caramalized onions, tomatoes, peppers, fresh garlic, and one with regular mozza and goat cheese for hubby, and one with non-dairy cheese by Dariya for me, and both were delish 🙂 Next time I will try infusing herbs and garlic into the crust. Hope this helps! Happy eating 🙂
Samantha says
You are my hero! I really can’t express how amazing this recipe is. Worth every second of the waiting on the rise (I made your choc chip cookies while waiting). I want to make a big batch of crusts and freeze them so I can have pizza any time. Thank you for sharing the fruits of your labor so freely with us. When you put out a cookbook I’ll be first in line to pre-order.
Apryl says
I don’t normally leave comments, but I had to on this one. Bless you for allowing me the chance to enjoy pizza again (with out the grain)! This recipe is fool proof and it’s SO delicious. The only problem I had was waiting patiently! Yum, thank you again!
Mark says
What do you think is healthy about gluten-free foods? I know common information but not really from an enthusiastic baker.
zenbellyblog says
I actually don’t think that most gluten-free foods are healthy. Most GF substitutes are highly processed and higher in sugar than their original versions. For people who can’t eat gluten, I don’t recommend buying processed products in boxes, but rather eating real foods instead, and making their own treats to take the place of the foods they might miss.
klee102013 says
I Love Love Love you for this crust I have tried them all out there and this one is the BEST! I grew up in the northeast and i know pizza crust and this grain free crust rocks! Thank you from the bottom of my pizza loving heart for your creation!
zenbellyblog says
Hooray! I’m so glad to hear it! And don’t tell the others, but I’m most happy when I hear success stories from my north east peeps 😉
T says
This is my first recipe using almond flour and I was so excited because I have not enjoyed pizza in years! It turned out even better than I had expected. My batter was wet but very light and airy. The crust came out crispy, light and delicious! I am totally thrilled to have found your blog.
Just made your rainy day biscuits today as well with equally awesome results. Gave some to a friend who is a processed food junkie and she loved them as well, couldn’t even believe it! You’re recipes are very inspiring and have me playing around deconstructing all kinds of other recipes. Many thanks!
Peace, love
Emily says
I love the sounds of this recipe and am dying to try it…the only problem is that I don’t have any tapioca or arrowroot on hand (and no decent grocery store nearby!). I realize that it may not be ideal for flavor or sticking strictly paleo, but what are your thoughts on subbing corn starch in for this impatient girl?
zenbellyblog says
In general, starches can be swapped for one another, so corn starch should work!
monalisa says
Awesome paleo pizza crust…the best I’ve had! Used half arrowroot and half tapioca. Turned out beautifully – almost like real dough. Thank you!!
hansen99 says
Did you use the arrowroot and tapioca in place of the almond flour?
zenbellyblog says
I’m pretty sure they mean 1/2 tapioca & 1/2 arrowroot just for the tapioca measurement.
Jennifer Biesack says
Delish. My first paleo pizza crust. Dough was way wetter than expected – it rose fine, but had to pour onto baking sheet. Still baked up with great texture and taste, and was relatively easy.
Cindy says
Does anyone one know how many carbs are in this crust
Samantha says
Has anyone tried an overnight fridge rise? I’m not sure if the science of doing this to a gluten dough translates here. I’m trying to streamline this to prepare dinner for a guest on a weeknight after work. I’ve done them pre-baked, frozen and reheated, and they’re good, but not quite the wow factor I’m looking for serving this to a guest.
Cheryl Vanick says
I have tried to make this twice, and it tastes good, but falls apart. The first time I used cashew meal from Trader Joe’s, but tonight I used almond flour with the same result. The yeast became foamy, but the dough was dry, not sticky, and didn’t “change.” I measured carefully, and doubled the recipe. I also finely ground my own tapioca starch in the vitamix, since I was only able to find tapioca in little balls. I really want it to work, any suggestions?
Cheryl Vanick says
P. s. I used Bob’s Red Mill blanched almond flour.
zenbellyblog says
I’m 99% sure that it’s the flours you used. Bob’s almond meal is much coarser and doesn’t work nearly as well for this type of recipe as one of the finer ground varieties, such as Honeyville or Digestive Wellness . Same with the tapioca… I’m not sure how fine you got it in your vitamix, but the store bought stuff is super fine, like corn starch. If you try it again with those flours, it should come out perfect! Sorry it didn’t work for you the first time, I know that’s frustrating!
Cheryl Vanick says
Thanks, I’m sure you are right! My husband said not to try it again, so I’ll give it a practice run first and let you know! Would love to have this in my repertoire.
Megan says
What’s the stats on calories and carbs? Love the recipe… Tastes just as good as any other pizza crust! Thanks for sharing!
zenbellyblog says
I don’t provide nutritional information for my recipes, but I think there are some good websites that make it pretty easy to plug in the info… Sorry, I don’t count those things, so don’t have the info handy. Glad you love the recipe!
Cheryl Vanick says
I’ve been to three stores and can’t find a finely ground almond flour. Guess I’ll order online. I found the tapioca flour, though, and it’s more powdery than what I made. Thought I could find something retail since I live in LA area. I’m learning.
zenbellyblog says
Asian markets carry tapioca starch / flour cheap! And I haven’t found an almond flour in stores that I like either, and it’s cheaper to order in bulk online (freeze it if you don’t go through it quickly) Let me know how your next attempt goes!
Cheryl Vanick says
Success! I ordered Honeyville almond flour from Costco.com, 6 lb., on Sunday night and it came on Tuesday. Then I stopped at a Japanese market for the tapioca flour. Each step looked just like your pictures and it was delicious, and didn’t fall apart. Genius. I started eating Paleo a few weeks ago and feel so much better, and wanted pizza, but the eggplant pizzas I had tried weren’t doing it for me. My husband and two teenagers also loved it. I will make this over and over. How did you know to let it rise for so long? Now I just need some recipes for all the old almond and cashew flour I have left over!
Mary says
OK…I haven’t had pizza in forever! And this WAS A HOME RUN!!!! LOVED IT! I used arrowroot instead of the tapioca (same amount), added dried oregano and basil, about 1tsp. each to the dry ingredients, warmed my bowl in the oven, put the pizza dough in the oven (after turning it off and leaving it ajar for a couple of minutes) to let it rise and it CAME OUT PERFECT! I measured the yeast out of the packet and it took 1 1/2 packs to equal 1 TBSP. Topped it with homemade marinara, sauteed onions, mushrooms, garlic, and cherry tomatoes, then added S&P, chopped power greens, chopped kalamata olives and a drizzle of olive oil. Back in the oven for a couple of minutes and I was in Heaven for the rest of the afternoon! Thanks so much for a pizza dough that doesn’t fall apart, holds up to the toppings, and is sooo delish!
Mary says
Forgot to mention the diced Canadian bacon I added as well. Did I tell you how much I loved this? Truly a Paleo dream!
zenbellyblog says
Thanks, Mary, I’m SO glad to hear that you loved it! Hooray!
nicole says
I’m allergic to tapioca. What other starch would work?
zenbellyblog says
arrowroot is a great cup for cup sub for tapioca!
rebekah says
I made this and it was unbelievably deeelicious. I am trying to follow a low carb so I was curious if I could sub in some coconut flour and flax flour somehow to cut down on the tapioca starch. I don’t want to get rid of all of it just some. I doubled the recipe and mad 2 pizzas. I am an italian girl and I give this A++++.
zenbellyblog says
Thanks for the A++++! 🙂 I’m sure you could experiment with adjusting the flours a bit to make it lower carb. Coconut and flax flours act pretty differently than tapioca, so I’m not sure of the exact amounts you’d want to use. I suggest adding a little bit at a time until the consistency seems right. And of course stick with a single or half recipe until you get it right so you’re not wasting ingredients! Let me know what you come up with!
Laura Jayne says
Am planning on making this at the weekend with the kids and turning into calzone – think I’ll cook for a couple of minutes then stuff with the ‘toppings’ – yum x
Linda Woodruff says
For low carb could you use liquid Truvia ? instead of the honey ?
Melaynej says
I just made this crust for like, the 5th time. Good news for those with egg allergies! I accidentally omitted the egg white and it still turned out as great as the previous times I’ve made it.
Becky K. says
First attempt at a paleo pizza crust for DH and myself. Followed directions and came out great. LOVED IT! Chewy and crisp at the same time. Will make again. Going to attempt making and freezing for those quickly needed dinners. Thank you!
Angela says
I just made this pizza dough with a one-year outdated packet of yeast, but it still turned out awesome! I have been “mostly paleo” for about two years and got rid of most of the non-paleo baking items. Thank you for your recipes, I have yet to try one that did not turn out as advertised 🙂
Chris D. says
OMG Amazing!!!! Could hardly tell it’s paleo and we’re a bunch of food snobs! Thank you thank you thank you!
zenbellyblog says
Yay! Endorsements from food snobs are my favorite kind 😉
Biffbeef says
Well this is a game changer!! Simone you are a wizard, a paleo hero indeed! Like most here i’ve run the gamut of paleo pizza crust recipes and kind of gave up for a while, but now this!?! Thank you thank you thank you!!!
I made it friday exactly to instruction (used home made almond meal) and my husband and i were pretty much speechless. It’s now sunday and I’m making it again (don’t judge! It’s been soooo long since we’ve had pizza that is like -wait, no- better than we remember it pre-paleo days!)
Cheers 🙂
zenbellyblog says
Hooray! So glad to hear it, thanks so much!
Katie G says
Made this last night and it was AMAZING! Thank you.
Ella says
Woah this crust is good. I burnt it and it STILL tasted awesome! I call that a win.
zenbellyblog says
Can you just call it “wood fired”, maybe? 😉 Glad it still tasted awesome!
Kristi says
WOW! This crust was good!!! No need to ever try another IMO. Only think I’m changing next time is using a milder honey and it’ll be perfect!
zenbellyblog says
So glad to hear it! Yay!
Vetti says
Yuuuuuuuum! Thank you. I’ve made this twice now and it is soooooooo worth the effort. 🙂
Jessica says
Hi! I just wanted to thank you. I have been searching for a grainless pizza crust for a while and was thrilled to have found yours. This crust was amazing and now I can have pizza again!!
I did a review of it on my blog and just can not stop gushing! Love this crust.
You can find the short (but glowing) review here:
Thanks again. Being from NYC myself, I knew after reading your intro the crust was gonna be good.
zenbellyblog says
Thanks so much, Jessica! I’m so glad you loved it, and thanks for blogging about it! 🙂
Pam Boudreau says
Just made this, OMG it’s good! Could you use this as a focaccia bread? I miss baked garlic bulbs dipped in an olive oil/balsamic vinegar mix … yummmmm
zenbellyblog says
You definitely could make it like focaccia! Yum.
JR says
I have made 10+ crusts from this recipe (at different times). Sometimes I triple or quadruple the recipe and it still turns out awesome! In my opinion this is the BEST EVER paleo crust; there is absolutely nothing else comparable. Most of the time we add the typical toppings, but I have also seasoned it sort of like a flatbread, with nooch and italian spices ground together and sprinkled over like parmesan (plus thinly sliced onions & olive oil). Amazing!
zenbellyblog says
Hooray! I’m so glad you love it and have gotten so much use out of the recipe! Sounds great as flatbread, too. I actually offered some suggestions in my book for serving it as bite-sized flatbread to be served as hors d’oeuvres 🙂
Amy says
I made this pizza last night and everything looked perfect until I put in on wax paper instead of parchment. 🙁 The wax paper melted to the pizza and I couldn’t get it off. My husband and I still tore off the parts that we could and we were both so impressed at how much it tasted like normal pizza dough (it’s actually better). I’m going to the store to get parchment paper today and will be making this the right way tonight. Can’t wait!
Savory Simple says
I’ve made this twice now and love it.
wellnourishedyou says
Wondering if the 1/4 of water is the intended amount…I had to add additional water? Do you mean 1 1/4 cups? Thanks!
zenbellyblog says
No, 1/4 cup is the right amount. Some people have commented that their dough was dry, but mine is always quite sticky. I think the type of almond flour you use makes a difference; I use honeyville or wellness bee. And I don’t pack it into the measuring cup, just scoop and level. Did it come out okay once you added more water?
wellnourishedyou says
Yup, you are totally right – it depends on the type of almond flour. It went from dry and crumbly with my own blended almond meal to almost like muffin batter with Bob’s Red Mill almond flour. Peculiar, but I’ll go with it. This is an amazing crust!
Erin O'Brien says
I tried this once and had a great result. Round two tonight. Thank you so very much for the post.
The Roadtrip Cowgirl says
hello there! I just made this and it is incredible!! I have made tons of popular gluten-free pizza crust recipes and this is the best so far. One of my other faves is the epicurious one, but I dont really like using chickpea flour (as I’m paleo) and yours is much better. I’m fairly new to blogging so don’t ‘comment much yet I had to let you know that I loved this recipe and look forward to trying some of your other recipes too! btw, I didn’t have parchment paper so just baked it at 420 instead of 500 and it worked out great. I also left out the egg as I don’t like egg whites (just yolks) and it was fine without it. Thanks again!
Chris says
When you say 3/4 cup, what’s the weight in grams? Thanks 🙂
zenbellyblog says
I measure in cups, not weight for this type of stuff, but maybe this will help
Angela says
Great recipe, it even passed the school lunch test AND was requested again for tomorrow’s lunch! Thanks so much for sharing, you made our day with this recipe. 🙂
zenbellyblog says
Awesome! I’m so glad to hear it, Angela!
Lois says
Well, I had leftover pizza. Not that IT was left over, the toppings were leftovers. 🙂 I also have been craving fruit pizza. I made the dough. Baked the dough. Then I used my DATE PASTE as the something sweet to hold the fruit. Yummy! Apples, bananas, mango, strawberries and apple. This hit the spot.
Thank you for sharing your recipe.
Amy says
Would I be able to make this dough in my bread machine or should it be done by hand?
zenbellyblog says
I’m not sure! I’ve never used a bread machine… If you’ve had success with other recipes in it that aren’t bread machine specific, I want to say yes?
Rachel says
As others have commented, this is the best paleo pizza dough ever! I make traditional sourdough pizza for our family pizza night using the Tartine bread method, but had not found an acceptable paleo version for myself until now. Thank you for bringing pizza back into my life.
PS: I have tried many of your other recipes and they are all fantastic. I can’t wait to get your cookbook this August!
zenbellyblog says
Thanks, Rachel! I’m so very glad to hear it! 🙂
Megan says
This was unbelievable. Seriously. And more forgiving than you’d think…. I was short on yeast because I just used one packet, and I had more egg white than called for because the whole egg white blooped over my spoon while I was trying to measure and fell into the bowl. After I mixed it up, it looked very wet, but I trusted the recipe and it was incredible! Mine did get a bit too done on the pizza stone while I waited for the cheese to melt but that’s an easy fix. My partner was raving about it and asked when we could have it again. Definite keeper!!
MRSO says
Tried this recipe last night, and it was fantastic! I made it with Trader Joe’s rather coarse Almond Meal, and it was still wonderful. It will replace our current (and beloved) Paleofied pizza crust for nights when we have the time to dedicate to this deliciousness. The temperature and cooking time were a bit off for me (even at 5 minutes, the bottom was a tad overdone while the top was just barely done), which I suspect is because I didn’t have a pizza stone. However, tweaking that should be a cinch. Thanks so very much for sharing!
Leah says
Soooo delicious thanks so much! We aren’t paleo but hubby is cutting down carbs to lose weight and he was surprised to enjoy this pizza so much. Thank you!!!
zenbellyblog says
So glad to hear it, Leah! Thanks! 🙂
Angela says
This was excellent!!! I didn’t quite believe how sticky, however, and thought I could get away with flour instead of oil. I had to go back and put oil on my sticky hands, and then the crust eventually pushed out beautifully. I wonder if you could add more oil to the recipe from the start? Or would that impede the rising? I have no clue. This is only the 2nd thing I’ve ever made with yeast. 🙂
zenbellyblog says
It’s kind of the nature of grain-free yeast dough, I’ve found- it has to be a lot wetter than traditional dough to work. (I learned this after many trials of trying to get the dough to resemble “normal” dough… The end result never worked) I think adding more oil to the dough would weigh it down too much, and make the crust too greasy. At any rate, I’m glad you liked it! 🙂
Marcia Smith says
I love this recipe! I made this last night and am so glad I found the perfect crust on my first attempt at paleo pizza. WOW! It performed beautifully and was amazing the next day served cold. Definitely would rate this as a 10! Thanks.
Jacqueline says
I’ve made this pizza crust more times than I can count, so I figured it was time to stop by and let you know. I’m obsessed! I’ve been making it for everyone that will let me. My young niece asked me to make this crust “forever!” My teenage nephew, who believes YOLO means eating all the junk, went back for thirds. Everyone loves it and never guessed that it wasn’t a traditional white flour pizza. I’ve tried several gluten free crusts the past few year and this one is, by far, the best. I can’t eat gluten so having an option for an occasional pizza night that doesn’t include weird meatza or cauliflower crust is incredibly welcome! So I just wanted to say…thank you! You are a genius.
By the way, I’ve made it without the egg white (adding additional water) and it was still great. Slight change in texture, but not really noticeable. It also freezes well!
zenbellyblog says
I love this!!! Thanks so much for stopping by, Jacqueline!
Alisa says
Love this recipe and so do my husband and toddler son. I have been making a double batch (I don’t double the honey per another reviewer’s comment and it still works great), cooking both crusts, then freezing one for the following week (Friday night is now pizza night!) and it makes prep really easy. In case anyone decided to get lazy and try using the whole egg (I did this with the most recent batch), it does negatively impact the end product. It was more cracker-like. Not bad, just not as good. I will need to find another way to use the yolk from my precious pastured eggs. Anyway, thanks for a fantastic recipe that we all enjoy without gluten or going too carb crazy.
zenbellyblog says
So glad you love it! Passing the kids test is always a good feeling 🙂 Homemade mayo would be a great use for those lovely yolks! You could even add some lemon juice and fresh herbs to make it into a creamy dressing and serve it on a side salad with your pizza.
K says
Like everyone else, all I can say is thank-you! I’ve tried so many paleo pizza crust recipes that have failed miserably (Nothing like the teeth screeching on tapioca to ruin your meal). I subbed arrowroot starch for tapioca; added thyme, basil, and chives to the dough. I topped mine with red onion, ham, green pepper, goat cheese, and after the “pizza” was out of the oven, arugula with a balsamic glaze. It was so good I ate the entire dish for dinner!
Obviously, I will need to make more than a single batch from now on.
Jeff says
Try using processed avocado oil instead of olive oil if you’re worried about the heat. Even non-processed avocado oil would be better than olive oil for high heat cooking. Of course the taste will change some and that might not be acceptable. But, I love avocado oil.
Monique Ardizzi says
Simone, I just bought your book recently and made this. It’s the best paleo crust EVER. I’m usually not crazy for the taste of pizza crust (really it’s just a vehicle for flavour in my opinion) but this crust ITSELF tasted great. It’s totally worth the wait time for the dough to rise. I think this would even be great to have place of pitas for dipping or naan bread to have with curry. Thank you thank you thank you!
zenbellyblog says
Yay! So happy to hear it. I love the taste of it, too, and have always felt that the crust needed to taste good on it’s own. I’m glad you loved it! Great idea about using it in other applications. I bet it would be great as naan, especially if made a teensy bit thicker. 🙂
Jaimee says
OMG i just made this today! It was delicious! I added arugula, prosciutto, herb goat cheese, figs and a balsamic glaze! To die for! I could have eaten the entire thing! But I refrained and ate half! Soooo soooo good!
Melissa says
Oh my goodness! This recipe is amazing and my pizzas turned out so good. Yes, PIZZAS, I doubled the recipe and then ate a quarter of each pizza because it was so good I couldn’t stop! Thank you for a wonderful recipe.
zenbellyblog says
Yay! Good call on doubling the recipe. I usually double it and make 4 individual pizzas, so everyone can make their own creation (and I can sneak bites of all the others, let’s be honest) 😉
Jordan says
Do you think it would turn out okay on a silpat, rather than on parchment paper? Thank you! Very excited to try this!
zenbellyblog says
I’m not sure! I want to say yes, but am not sure what the max temp is for those…
Nancy says
Made this tonight. AWESOME!!!! This is the best crust ever. I didn’t have the tapioca starch, so used arrowroot. Only had one half cup, so I increased almond flour to one cup. It turned out fantastic. Soooo glad to be able to have pizza agsin. Recently diagnosed diabetic and I’ve dropped .6 points on my A1C in just three months. Thank you so much for posting this recipe!
Meadow says
This is hands-down my favorite grain-free pizza crust recipe; I have made it several times, and it is always a success. Tonight, I did version with Trader Joe’s Cashew Meal and a version with their Almond Meal. The Almond Meal definitely turns out a more traditional pizza crust flavor, however, the cashew meal turned out a crust that was almost like a sourdough. It was fantastic. So, if people are wondering about swapping out nut flours: go for it!
zenbellyblog says
Good to know, thanks! I used cashew meal once too, for a friend with an almond allergy. It was different, but still really good!
Cindy M. says
Can I just say that YOU are AMAZING? It’s obvious that you’re passionate about cooking and you’re good at it.
Thanks for the pizza crust recipe…gotta feed the non-paleo/non-gluten free peeps in my fam some pizza.
I am stumped on the olive oil. I am assuming you’re referring to regular olive oil (not EVOO: Extra Virgin Olive Oil), right? So my next question is does it matter what kind of “regular” (cooking) olive oil I use?
Thanks for sharing your creativity!
zenbellyblog says
Thanks, Cindy! 🙂 You can use any kind of olive oil. Technically, you shouldn’t heat EVOO with that kind of heat, but it’s used in this type of recipe a lot, so it’s up to you. It does add some flavor. Regular olive oil works great, too!
Cindy M. says
Thank you! Perhaps you can help me with this other question because you’re a chef. I have been following the “paleo” recipes for about a year. I’ve been on this quest to learn all I can about vegetables from how to pick it out at the market, from preparing it, and cooking it in the most simplest way that I can. Anyhoo, so I picked up a book called “Best Secrets from Chefs” (something like that) and lots of chefs uses canola oil or grapeseed oil. So how is it that these chefs don’t know how harmful it is (well the paleo world says it harmful)? Is it because that what the chefs were taught in culinary school or at restaurants??? I’m just trying to understand as I really want to become a better cook (well, at least my definition of a good cook). Any insights you have will be greatly appreciated!
zenbellyblog says
I don’t think the dangers of them are really mainstream knowledge quite yet. Chefs love canola and grapeseed oils because they’re neutral tasting and have a high smoke point. Not to mention they’re CHEAP. The catering kitchen I share has plenty of really large containers of corn oil, canola oil, etc, and I don’t even want to know what their food costs are compared to mine, as someone who uses coconut oil and butter and animal fats and if I’m being frugal, light olive oil… Lots of chefs actually love lard and tallow and duck fat, but are hesitant to put that stuff in recipes because people are still a bit phobic of those types of fats, and they’re not as readily available. I think we’re coming around, though! Slowly but surely…
Donna Gilmore says
I have made this recipe four times now. Each time I add different seasonings and BINGO! I have it exactly as my husband and I like! It is the only crust we choose and my hubby is not GF or Paleo diet enthusiastic. Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe and making me crave pizza again! P.S. I am going to make 2 half baked crusts and freeze for a quick meal on a busy day!
zenbellyblog says
Awesome! I’m glad you played with the seasonings and found a combo you love! 🙂
lolettestephenson says
I made this for my husband and I on our low carb eating plan…..all I can say is thank you, thank you and thank you again. All those imitation crusts made with cauliflower and such….bleh. I love cauliflower but not as pizza crust.
Mary Ellroy says
We’re kinda paleo – no wheat but dairy ok. Was curious about the time frame needed to melt mozzarella – 8-10 minutes. Would that trash this fantastic sounding crust?
zenbellyblog says
It shouldn’t even take that long! We eat cheese too, and I just add it with the rest of the toppings; 3 minutes or so is all it takes! If you want to get it more golden, just par bake the crust a touch less to allow for longer on the second round of baking. I hope you love it!
Mary Ellroy says
Thanks on the cheese cooking recommendation…can’t wait to try this! If it works for us I may make several at once and freeze. Do you think it’s best to freeze before or after cooking the crust?
zenbellyblog says
Definitely freeze after par-baking the crust. Then you’ll be able to just pull them out as needed and top and bake! I do that a lot for catering and it works great. I hope you enjoy!
Mimi says
I’m dying to try this recipe but have been told I can’t consume yeast, the kind that goes in bread. Is there any other yeast that could make it rise? Was thinking to add baking powder to ACV for fluff. I’m going to miss that lovely yeast flavor. :/
ajn says
zenbellyblog says
neither is yelling at someone about something you don’t actually know about.
Lisa Heimer says
Outstanding! We prefer this to regular pizza dough. Top with crumbled bacon and fresh spinach leaves…..OMG it’s like heaven in your mouth. Thanks for sharing.
Kim says
Having enjoyed all of the other things I have made from your book, I decided to try the pizza tonight. I haven’t really enjoyed “gluten-free” pizza crusts that I have had at restaurants and didn’t have high expectations for this one either. Boy, was I surprised. Not only was this better than not bad, it was really good! I liked the texture as well as the flavor. It browned nicely and held my toppings as advertised. This will be my go-to for the occasional pizza craving. Thanks so much.
Christina says
Any ideas on how I can sub out the egg white? I already know what to use to sub out the honey. I’m just dying to make this thing vegan! It looks delicious!
zenbellyblog says
You could try a flax or chia “egg”? Or egg replacer, if you use that. Let me know if you tried something that worked! I’d love to give people a vegan option for this too!
Christina says
Thanks! I thought about that, but chia and flax are typically used to replace the binding qualities of an egg (like the yolk). The egg white in this recipe, I believe, is to serve the leavening purpose, yes? If so, I think I can use baking soda and water but I’ll do some more research first. 🙂
zenbellyblog says
Well there’s yeast, and that’s definitely what gives it the leavening… So I think the egg is more binding in this recipe. Keep me posted! 🙂
Christina says
Ok thanks for your input! I have plenty of chia and flax at home…I’ll try those things first. Can’t wait!
Christina Haddad says
GUYS- this recipe is the real deal.
Didn’t want to make anything right away with the egg and have it sit in the fridge so I made it using the whole egg and a slightly higher amount of water with the yeast/honey. Obviously I had to add a bit of extra things to compensate, so I added an additional tablespoon or so of arrowroot starch to the existing tapioca and almond flours, and a 1/4 tsp of xanthan gum….
…Yeah, I know, kinda frowned upon. But the gums don’t bother me personally, and they can sometimes help improve the texture of gluten free breads in particular. After letting it rise and bubble away for 5 hours covered with a plastic bag and a cloth, in a warm spot at room temp (while I went out), my god, was it ever amazing. Over doubled in size. I scooped it out on to an oiled piece of parchment and spread it out to the size I wanted (left it a little thicker, but made a really great 10-inch) and used a moistened silicon spatula to do this, without adding any extra starch (to keep the carb count as low as possible). After it pre-cooked in the oven at 500, I took it out and it smelled incredible. It smelled like PIZZA DOUGH. It was all bubbly and had a nice crisp exterior, golden, risen. After finishing it off with tomato sauce, mozzarella, blue cheese, and red onion… a thing of absolute beauty: toothsome, well-developed air pockets, great spring-back and flexibility while being crunchy on the bottom and crisp around the edges. Remarkably similar crumb on the inside in comparison to regular dough. It had a sweet and yeasty flavour and aroma, not sour at all even after the longer rise. The only thing I would do differently next time is make extra. 😉
Thank you SO MUCH to the zenbelly mastermind who created this. Surely this recipe will secure you one of the best reincarnations in the next life. Loved this recipe and will be using it exclusively.
Usually I’m in ketosis or will eat a few more carbs (from veg or fruit) here and there, but once a week I’ll eat something that is carb-rich and usually gluten free. I’m not even tempted to eat anything else with gluten in it (except for a butter croissant once in a blue moon) now that I am armed with this recipe. Nearly everything made with almond flour is absolutely retched and disgusting and all of these oopsie bread things and “zero carb breads” with psyllium and flax and cashew butter or that nasty paleo “fat bread” omg…. just thinking about it all gives me horrible flashbacks. All those things that turned green… All that awesome almond flour wasted on things I threw away that could have been used on this recipe!!! I can see this recipe working in so many other ways… cinnamon buns, for one. As an infrequent indulgence, this is fantastic.
I will shut up now. Thanks!
susan says
Just tried this recipe and it was incredible (and very edible!) I had to substitute rice vinegar for the apple cider vinegar, but it was still delicious. I also had to bake it in my oven at 450′ (it doesn’t go higher), but came out crunchy golden brown. Thank you soooooo much.
Michelle says
This recipe is amazing! I had high hopes after reading all the reviews and it did not disappoint. Even my husband who is not gluten free thought it tasted great. I originally had Bob’s Red Mill Almond Flour, but ordered the Honeyville after seeing the comments, so thank you for that and for sharing this recipe.
LeAnn says
Ohmygosh you are my savior! I’ve been paleo for two years, but whenever I go home to NY I jump on the gluten train faster than anyone! I usually cave and will make a homemade pizza when I’m craving back home goodness here in CO, but my crust definitely contains gluten, so I’m thrilled to try this one. My question is this: do you always only let it rise for up to 90 minutes or have you let it continue to rise for up to 72 hours like a lot of traditional dough? I usually make my dough two days in advance of making pizza to get the best rise and texture, but I’m afraid to do that if you think it won’t work with a paleo crust! Thank you thank you thank you for bestowing the elusive NY foldable pizza pie dough to us!! 🙂
zenbellyblog says
Oh man being in NY is the hardest, I know! I’m glad this gives you a good alternative. I’ve only let it rise for a couple hours at most, so am not sure. But I *think* that if you let it rise for longer in the fridge it would be great, maybe even take on a bit of sourdough flavor. If you try it, definitely let me know how it works!
Melissa says
So, this recipe is basically idiot-proof. Or at least exhausted-mom-proof. I have been wanting to try it but just knew that the 75-90 minute rise time was going to be my issue. I’d get busy with the kids and totally forget about it. And sure enough, I fell asleep putting them to bed and woke up at 11 pm, briefly thought about my dough, decided it could wait until morning, and went back to bed. I picked up where I left off, baked it this morning and all I can say is if it tastes any better with the correct rise time, I probably can’t handle it. My dough ended up sitting for about 12 hours. So now I can mix it in the morning and bake it for supper!!
Thanks for a great (forgiving) recipe!!
zenbellyblog says
That’s so great! I bet the extra rise time actually improved the flavor- it only needs the 75-90 to rise enough, but leaving it longer should develop the flavor even more. I’m so glad it worked out! I think I’ll edit the post to give the overnight option, for those who don’t have the time to sit around and watch dough rise (which is everyone who’s not testing recipes, I imagine!) 😉
Gill says
Hi , just want to thank you for this recipe . I have been a coeliac for a very long time and never eat pizza that much and ones ive tried here in uk aint that nice .. But this one real nice and chewy maybe a little sweet so will cut down on honey next time . Had with caremelised red onion thyme out of garden , beetroot out of garden and goats cheese as we say here in WALES lush real lush 🙂
MJ Krech says
Thank you so much! My husband called this pizza “restaurant quality” tonight! Simply wonderful crust!
zenbellyblog says
Nice! Glad you and your husband enjoyed it! 🙂
Zeanna' Kitchen says
I proofed the yeast in a large bowl, dumped all the rest in + 1/2 cup more water, stirred well with a fork and it came out fabulous!
Julie says
I love this pizza crust recipe!
zenbellyblog says
Yay! Thanks, Julie!
Lisa Guillory says
This is the best gluten free pizza crust recipe in the world!! We even gently press minced garlic into it prior to baking and PRESTO it becomes garlic nan like at the Indian Restaurants!
zenbellyblog says
Woot! Thanks, Lisa! GREAT idea with the garlic! Totally making that next time I make anything Indian! 🙂
effinpoetry says
You have SAVED the Pizza day!!!!!
Having worked really hard to perfect my NY pizza dough, I was your biggest skeptic on this one! Had absolutely NO FAITH whatsoever that this would turn out good enough to satisfy my itch. BOY, WAS I WRONG. And I didn’t even get the best result!
I made it too thin for one thing, and baked it a tad too long before I put the toppings on it creating a much more thin/crispy almost cracker like crust … and yet it was STILL out of this world! I cannot wait to do this again only a bit thicker.
My toppings of choice were thin brushing of pesto, mozzarella and parm mix with some basil and oregano. Tossed on a few turkey pepperonis an viola! Delightful dinner! (I use cheeses I grate myself … makes a huge difference from pkged, already shredded cheese.)
In the prep phase, I found that patting the dough to get it flatter and rounder was a mess and a half, so after I dotted the top with a little oil, I used another sheet of parchment paper on top and just smoothed the dough to where I wanted it. The parchment peeled right off and I was back in business.
I’d pretty much resigned myself to having to occasionally ditch paleo and cheat to get a good pizza fix. Not so! This dough is the bomb! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
zenbellyblog says
Huzzah!!! I’m so glad to hear it, Tracy! Thanks so much for the kind words 🙂
Anette says
Good bye, cauliflower pizza crust!! I won’t miss you! Thank you so much for this recipe. Never thought I’d eat the real thing again! This is amazing!
zenbellyblog says
haha that’s how I felt, too! Cauliflower crust is kind of genius in theory, but I don’t miss it 😉
Blaire Porter says
Legit the best paleoified recipe I have come across ever. And I have been paleo for 8 years.
zenbellyblog says
Woot! Thanks, Blaire! 🙂
tessadomesticdiva says
Not only a gluten free, but a grain free pizza crust that ALL three kiddos slicked down…a first in this family!! Loved this, so crispy and the a great yeasty flavor that hits the spot! Great recipe, thanks!! Will share all around!
zenbellyblog says
Thanks, Tessa! I’m so glad to hear that everyone loved it 🙂 Thanks for the nice note!
ted says
Hi- thanks for the incredible recipe!! I have made it twice now, and this is going to be my new pizza crust. QUESTION: the crust is a bit too sweet tasting for me. Is it the almond? What would you suggest to make it less sweet?
zenbellyblog says
Thanks, I’m glad you like it! You could try using less honey- it’s really just to feed the yeast to get it to bloom, but I bet it will still work if you use less. Almond flour has a bit of sweetness also, but the honey is probably more of what’s doing it.
Mark Leggas says
I made this recipe yesterday… outstanding. Texture and flavor are on the spot. THANKS! Have you tried this recipe with your new flour recipe? I bought your ebook as well but I have not tried the recipes yet. Waiting on the ingredients.
zenbellyblog says
Glad you love it! I haven’t tried the everything dough made into pizza because I don’t think the texture would be right at all. For focaccia maybe!
Rebecca says
I’ve been making this for a while now – until I discovered my son is allergic to egg! I managed to springboard off this (and another vegan recipe) to make one that’s egg free. Yay! Friday Night Pizza is saved!
zenbellyblog says
hooray! I’m so glad you found a solution and can still have Friday Night Pizza! 🙂
Diyel says
This recipe is absolutely amazing! It tastes like REAL pizza! (I even had to eat a little crust before I finished- it smelled SO good!) I’ve been on the Paleo diet for two months now and have been craving something that tastes really like ‘normal’. Well if this isn’t it, I don’t know what is! Thank you, thank you for this recipe! It is a MUST try!
David Berg says
i love this pizza and have served it to raves from company. Unfortunately, asking my spouse to shop resulted in buying Fleichman’s Pizza Yeast which is a no-rise yeast, although gluten free. After 90 minutes the dough looked exactly the same but shaped easily and tasted great. I was wondering if anyone else used this and if it would eliminate the 90 minutes for the dough to rise. I baked it on a pizza stone on a wood grill/oven and it was fantastic.
Benn m says
Can you use arrowroot starch instead of tapioca starch
zenbellyblog says
yes that should work!
Joesaleen Moses says
I purchased your E book with the ‘Everything Dough’ and I love the consistency of the dough, I am wondering if I could use it as pizza crust?
Amy says
Hi Simone! I’ve got one of these baby’s in my freezer (par baked as suggested)! Can I just remove it from it’s frozen state, add toppings and continue to bake at the 500 temp for 2-3 minutes or since it’s frozen will the baking time take a little longer? I typically cook any meat toppings beforehand and then broil the last minute or so to get the cheese golden.
P.S. confession time: I haven’t actually tried this pizza yet. :p I made it one night with another paleo pizza we typically make and love (the Otto’s Cassava flour NY Style Pizza from Planks, Love and Guacamole blog). One pizza that night oddly seemed enough (LOL!) and I par baked yours and let it cool, wrapped and put in the freezer. So, I’m anxious now to try it and will make another one fresh for our pizza night this week but just wanted to know how to bake it from frozen. 🙂
Thank you again for all you do! Look forward to letting know the taste test results! We weren’t bred and raised in NY but we lived in NY for a few years and quickly got accustomed to NY style pizza! 😉
zenbellyblog says
Hi Amy!
It’s funny how New York will do that to you 😉 I think you can throw them in at 500 with the toppings and it will be fine; if they’re thin they should thaw / bake pretty quickly. Let me know how they turn out!
Roberta says
Could you please suggest me how to substitute yeast, that I have to avoid in my diet? Would it be ok baking soda + cream of tartar, and if so, how much of each one? Other suggestions…? I’d really appreciated your help, anyway I perfectly undestand if you just tell me that there’s no alternative option for this recipe, I just tried to ask…
zenbelly says
Hi Roberta! I’m happy to help but can’t make any promises without testing the recipe with them. I’ve heard people say they left the yeast out altogether and had good results; it won’t rise / proof but the flavor will still be good. You could try baking soda (I’d guess 1/2 teaspoon) Or baking soda and cream of tarter (1 part baking soda to 2 parts cream of tarter to make about 1.5 teaspoons, if I were to guess)
I hope that helps! Please report back if you try. 🙂
Elaine says
Do you have a recipe without yeast please?
zenbelly says
I don’t, Elaine, I’m sorry, but I’m sure there are some good ones out there!
Jennnifer says
I’ve been making this crust for a couple of years now. It is a family favorite. All five of my kids love it and actually prefer it over a regular crust. The recipe is perfect. I’ve doubled it and put some par baked in the freezer. The only thing I do is add a little Italian seasoning to the dough 😉
Thank you for sharing your passion of creating all of these amazing recipes! I have two of your cookbooks and LOVE them!
zenbelly says
Thank you, Jennifer! That’s so wonderful to hear. I really appreciate your support <3
Abby says
I have followed this recipe many times and love the results. I’m always skeptical when it pours out of the bowl, but once it’s baked, it’s magic!
zenbelly says
Thanks, Abby! I’m so glad you love it. 🙂
Abby says
We have made this several times with great success. Thanks for such a great alternative pizza crust. We are pizza-living fools, so when it’s time to watch our waistlines, this is one of our go-tos to keep us in track.
zenbelly says
Thanks, Abby! I’m so glad you love it.
chris says
I’m allergic to anything that grows on a tree! Can’t have Almond flour or Coconut. Is there another way to go with this recipe?
zenbelly says
all grain-free flours work a lot differently, so your best bet would be to find a recipe that uses cassava flour- there’s probably one at ottosnaturals.com
Elisa says
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